August 18, 2010

Our First Few Days in Africa

I could get use to waking up to the amazing sunrise visible from our rustic little cabin. Aren't they cute?

This week we have and will be ministering to the Besotho people. The past couple days we spent with a lady named Annah and her young granddaughter, Happiness. Annah is an amazing woman who was so caring and loving, as is all the people here. She was however, surprised that I didn't know how to cook, (shame on me) so decided to teach me a few tricks in the kitchen.
Annah wanted me to pose in this picture, my pose is an obvious sign of  "I don't know what I am doing, but I will pretend for the picture".

While I slaved in the kitchen the men were hard at work in the garden.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe Frank should have been in the kitchen and you in the garden :). Just kidding. Just because Frank is a "gourmet" cook, don't let it make you feel like you can't cook. So glad you were able to blog some more. Keep it up.

Love, Mom