October 21, 2010

Job Hunt and more

That's right.....my husband and I are on the hunt for a job.

Although, there are not any full time teaching positions open I can continue to substitute and tutor. Two things that involve children and learning! Next best thing to having your own classroom.
My husband on the other hand, has been laid off more or less. He has fortunately, been able to land a UPS job and small "honey to do" jobs from friends.
Despite the crazy almost hopeless feeling of "how are we going to do this" we have stayed faithful, knowing God will provide for us, as he has in the past.

-No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

So many times we think that no one could possibly understand what we are going through, or that your the only one who has felt like giving up. We are not alone, God clearly lets us know that he does know what we are going through and that others have even endured similar trials. God also knows us better than we know ourselves, and understands what we can and cannot bear. 
It is so comforting to know that what I may be going though in any given moment, will be overcome by the grace of God.

What doesn't destroy me makes me stronger. -Friedrich Neitzche


Derek and Alissa said...

We have been in your shoes Jenna and God has always provided for us, and I am trusting Him to do the same for you and Frank! I've learned provision often comes in random ways, thus the 5 W-2s I will have for this year =) Praying for you!!

Dawn said...

Jenna and Frank, know that Chuck and I are praying for you. We've been in similar situations where all we ate for weeks at a time were cereal, spaghetti and hamburger helper. I agree with Alissa, random ways you'd never expect.

Rosellini said...

J- I had NO idea that Frank was laid off...I will certainly be praying for your little family - everything will work out...something is just around the corner for you both..I know it!