September 07, 2010

Dinner is Served....

Ever since I got back from South Africa I have been on this weird kick.  I can't seem to sleep past 8 (which is killing me) and I am in the mood to cook all the time.  For those of you that know me, the above has always been the complete opposite of my life.
I have been following a new cooking blog and have been inspired ever night for dinner.
Turkey Brie Cranberry Chutney Panini was for dinner tonight.
By the time Frank and I ate ours I realized I should have taken a picture. 
Super easy, tasty and filling.  I hope you try it for yourself and/or your family.


Unknown said...

Jenna! You are doing so well with blogging, and that panini looks delicious...what blog are you following? =)

Frank and Jenna said...

For the Love of Cooking. It is one of my favorite blogs on the side