August 12, 2011

Week of Camp

We have taken so many pictures.......while I stop talking now I hope you enjoy these pictures of our camp games, free time, worship, food (of course), and all the randomness that occured the week of camp!

Camp Games
The games were so much fun to watch. Almost all of the games were new to them......which made it even better.


There is just something about listening to worship in another language. Despite the fact that I don't know what they are singing, you can hear how passionate they ALL are as they cry out. (We have videos, but it continues to read error, so I will try to upload some videos when I get back.)
The people here are very thin, especially compared to us.  Its crazy......they typically eat a very samll breakfast (bread with assorted spreads), lunch (meat and cheese sandwich) and dinner which consisted of soup and then a main course.
 Not a lot of  snacking or desserts, my very favorite things!!
Mashed potatoes, tomatoe cucumber salad and meche. (Not sure on the spelling, all you need to know is that its meat. )
This dish was great! Chicken, tomatoe sauce of some sort, and mushy corn bread like stuff called mesa (again, not sure on the spelling.....)

Extreme Slip and Slide
In a field filled with killer thor bushes and horse poop, lies the 50meter water slide.
These people are crazy!
 The fact that they all see who has the worst injury the next day tells me this is one wicked ride.
Perhaps this is why I took pictures.
Frank trying to stop before he reaches the poop pile.
Poor Josef realizing he was in the poop pile. 

Camp is over and our work has been done!
 Thanks Dani, Estera, Mike and Juli

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